Introduction to Green Hydrogen

Upon completion, attendees: will be familiar with the technology, how it compares to more well-known solutions (pros and cons), and hydrogen’s role in the energy system; will be able to critically analyse hydrogen projects at a high level and know what is required to produce affordable and sustainable hydrogen; and will know what regulations apply to hydrogen, and where support exists.



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Dates: 13th, 15th, 20th and 22nd of September 2022
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

*** Note: As the state of play in hydrogen continues to be fast moving, the specific content of the course will be updated in advance of delivery, to reflect any new developments. ***

Course Overview

  1. What is Green Hydrogen and What Can it do?
  2. What is in a Green Hydrogen System?
  3. Economics of Green Hydrogen.
  4. Policy and Regulation

Course Objectives

  • Attendees will understand the role hydrogen can play in decarbonising the energy system, its importance to net zero ambitions, and the areas in which hydrogen can make an impact in the short, medium, and long-term.
  • They will then be familiarised with the components of a green hydrogen system, and their limits with respect to flexible power consumption, safe operating conditions, and auxiliary power consumption.
  • The fundamental drivers of cost will be explained, with a demonstration of how to calculate levelised costs, as well as sensitivity analysis. This way attendees will understand the relationship between CAPEX, OPEX, WACC, and Capacity Factor, among others.
  • The targets and supports in place both internationally and here in Ireland will be examined, what they mean for various business models, and target use cases. Regulations too will be looked at specifically in terms of gas grid injection, biofuel production, and when green hydrogen is counted as fully renewable.

Learning Outcomes

  • Attendees will be familiar with the technology, how it compares to more well-known solutions (pros and cons), and hydrogen’s role in the energy system.
  • Attendees will be able to critically analyse hydrogen projects at a high level and know what is required to produce affordable and sustainable hydrogen.
  • Attendees will know what regulations apply to hydrogen, and where support exists.

Who should attend

As hydrogen itself is such a broad topic, and touches on almost every aspect of the energy system, stakeholders from wind, PV, electricity markets, biofuel, natural gas, construction, and more will benefit from attending.

Course Content

Module 1: What is Green Hydrogen and What Can it do?

1.1 State of play in Energy
Topics will include the share of non-electricity energy, trends in electrification, energy density and storage, and difficult-to-decarbonise sectors.
1.2 Hydrogen

Electrolysis and green hydrogen, integration with the electricity grid, hydrogen from fossil fuels (pros/cons, methane, CCS feasibility, cost, resource), hydrogen-based fuels and other products (HVO, ammonia, compressed H2).
1.3 Future Scenarios and Hydrogen’s Role

Effect of increased electrification (limits), share of non-electrical energy (comparison with today), increased storage/flexibility requirements, the dual role of green hydrogen (difficult-to-decarbonise sectors and storage).
1.4 Use cases for Green Hydrogen

Comparing internal combustion, fuel cells, and battery efficiency. Short term: HVO, existing demand. Medium term: where will it be cost-competitive, transport, aviation, shipping, HGVs. Long term: green chemicals, fertiliser, metals, cement

Module 2: What is in a Green Hydrogen System?

2.1 Electrolysis
Principal of electrolysis, efficiency, types of electrolysers, relative advantages, novel improvements, oxygen production.
2.2 Inputs and Power Controls

Water input (volume, desalination, issues of contamination), input electricity (variable supply, improvements, load following), temperature controls, and other safety issues.
2.3 Hydrogen Compression and Transport
Power consumption, safety concerns, grid injection (limits, gas differences, grid rules, prospects), existing or available infrastructure

Module 3: Economics of Green Hydrogen.

3.1 Electricity Source
How the electricity source dictates sustainability, using grid electricity, timing, price signals, EU rules, process efficiency and cost, issues of relying on surplus renewables, priority dispatch and effect on price curves, behind-the-grid electrolysis.
3.2 Capacity Factor

Expensive equipment, need to amortise debt, surplus alone leads to costly hydrogen, diminishing returns (grid energy), multiple energy sources (graph of wind and solar profiles).
3.3 Levelised Costs

Calculating the levelised cost of hydrogen, project NPV, sensitivity analysis, externalities.

Module 4: Policy and Regulation

4.1 International
Hydrogen strategies - commonalities, differences, resources, geopolitics. Promotion and recognised role, examining heavy promoters Japan, Germany, Chile, and more.
4.2 National

Existing Irish policy regarding hydrogen, Gas Networks Ireland, and other key stakeholders, EU rules and potential hydrogen customers.
4.3 Regulations

Existing regulations, regulations under revision or which need updating and likely outcomes, environmental regulations and planning concerns.

About the trainer

Dr. Shane McDonagh completed his PhD investigating hydrogen production and published on the topics of the technical ability of electrolysis to balance the grid, replacing natural gas with hydrogen, economic analysis of hydrogen production costs, pairing hydrogen with offshore wind, and using hydrogen as a heavy transport fuel. He also studied and published on Power-to-Methane, hydrogen biofuel upgrading, distributed hydrogen generation and consumption, electricity market analysis, and transport policy.